-manship - vertaling naar russisch
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-manship - vertaling naar russisch

Manship, Paul; Paul Howard Manship
  • ''Water'' at 195 Broadway, New York City
  • ''Cycle of Life'', 1924, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts
  • ''Time and the Fates of Man Sundial'', 1939 World's Fair
  • Prometheus]]'', 1934, [[Rockefeller Center]], New York City




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употребляется с общим значением преимущества, превосходства, умения хорошо делать что-л.


¦ suffix (forming nouns) denoting skill in a subject or activity: marksmanship.


Paul Manship

Paul Howard Manship (December 24, 1885 – January 28, 1966) was an American sculptor. He consistently created mythological pieces in a classical style, and was a major force in the Art Deco movement. He is well known for his large public commissions, including the iconic Prometheus in Rockefeller Center and the Celestial Sphere Woodrow Wilson Memorial in Geneva, Switzerland. He is also credited for designing the modern rendition of New York City's official seal.

Manship gained notice early in his career for rejecting the Beaux-Arts architecture movement and preferring linear compositions with a flowing simplicity. Additionally, he shared a summer home in Plainfield, New Hampshire, part of the Cornish Art Colony, with William Zorach for a number of years. Other members of the highly social colony were also contemporary artists. Manship created his own artist retreat on Cape Ann, developing a 15-acre site on two former granite quarries in Lanesville, a village of Gloucester, MA. A local nonprofit, the Manship Artists Residency + Studios was established in 2015 to preserve this estate as an artist residency program.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor -manship
1. usage advice versus kind of smarty pants one-up-manship.
The Sense of Style _ Steven Pinker _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor -manship
1. Perlmutter is an associate professor at the Manship School of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University.
2. Libby Manship, 53, from Birmingham, developed kidney failure two years ago and desperately needs a transplant.
3. Anguish: Kidney patient Libby Manship There are lives at stake and fragile people involved.
4. The writer is an assistant professor in the Manship School of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
5. He recorded "The Cajun Night Before Christmas" and "The 12 Cajun Days of Christmas" in 1'72 under the name "Tee–Jules." In 1'76, he joined the LSU Manship School of Mass Communication, where he taught radio and television production until retiring in 2005. ___ Frank Piasecki PHILADELPHIA (AP) _ Aviation pioneer Frank Piasecki, inventor of the tandem–rotor helicopter used in troop–transport missions and land and sea rescue flights, died Monday.